Sunday 10 November 2013

Mango Croquant

Ingredients for Mango Croquant
- 400 g (14 oz) mango pulp
- 54 g (1.9 oz) caster sugar
- 66 g (2.3 oz) Isomalt
- 15 g (0.53 oz) glucose
Other Ingredients
- Coconut Foam
- Basil leaves


1- In a small double boiler, heat water until it reaches 80 °C (176 °F) and maintain it at this temperature. If you don’t have a double boiler just use a medium and small saucepan, heat water in the medium pan and place the small one inside. If you are lucky enough to have a Thermomix, use that!
2- Blend the mango pulp, Isomalt, glucose and caster sugar in the double boiler using an immersion blender for 5 minutes.
3- Pass the mix through a fine sieve and store it in the fridge in a sealed container overnight or for 12 hours.
4- Put the stencil with triangle shapes on silicon mat that fits your dehydrator. Secure it to the counter using some scotch tape.
5- Using a spatula, spread the mango mix over the stencil removing any excess.
6- Carefully lift the stencil.
7- Place the silicon mat in the dehydrator at 50 °C (122 °F) and wait for 48 hours.
8- Use immediately or store in a sealed container with silica gel.
Assemble and Serve
1- Place 4 Mango Croquant triangles next to each other on a plate with the first triangle facing in the opposite direction of the next three. From left to right, the first triangle should have a tip pointing to the left and the rest of the triangles should have a tip pointing to the right.
2- On the 3 right triangles, place small dollops of coconut foam of about 1.5 cm (~ over ½ in) high until you cover the whole surface.
3- Lift the first triangle on the left with your fingers and the help of a spatula until it reaches a vertical position with the side on the plate. Keep holding it with your left hand.
4- Quickly lift the second Mango Croquant triangle and press the foam side lightly to the first triangle until it stays in its place without you holding it.
5- Now lift the third Mango Croquant triangle and repeat the previous process. You should now have 3 layers of Mango Croquant separated by a layer of coconut foam.
6- Repeat procedure with fourth Mango Croquant triangle.
6- Garnish with basil.

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